Every person should have a charm, amulet or talisman in their life that can protect them from the negative energies of others. Of course, you can buy them in a specialized store or receive them as a gift through inheritance, but handmade talismans and amulets will be the most powerful.

How to make magic at home with your own hands
If you need to learn how to make magic at home, then remember that you should not rush under any circumstances.
Before making talismans with your own hands, you should consult with experienced people to find out all the intricacies of the matter, and only then start work.
You can make a reliable amulet with your own hands from several materials:
- Paper talismans for protection are the easiest to make and can always be replaced with new ones if necessary.
- Threads made of natural fibers are the right material for amulets, and such talismans have almost no weight, they can be conveniently taken with you on trips or business trips.
- Talismans made of burlap are more durable and reliable, and can be washed if necessary.
- Often wood or tree bark is used to make amulets and amulets with your own hands. Slavic amulets have long been made of birch bark.
- Not everyone can process semi-precious stones, moreover, they must be carefully chosen so that they serve as helpers and do not cause harm.
- Sometimes natural skin or fur is used to make amulets, but these materials carry the energy of dead animals, so they cannot always protect their owner.

You should not think that only amulets made of precious metals and decorated with precious stones can be effective. An amulet made by hand from cheap material protects and protects its owner if it is made with soul and faith.
Amulets at home should only be made by yourself, then their power will be maximum, and the damage will not be terrible.
If you make talismans, amulets and amulets with your own hands, you should give preference only to natural materials, for example, stones or wood. At the same time, be sure to think about the good, throw the bad thoughts out of your head.
In no case should artificial materials be used: fibers, fabric and fur can only be natural.
The subtleties of production and the most popular talismans

If you want to make a charm with your own hands, you need to remember that there are no trifles in practical magic, and you need to take into account many nuances in order for the amulet to work:
- We must not forget the date of starting the work either. Some amulets require dawn, and some are made strictly at midnight during the full moon.
- Sometimes you can't use sharp and cutting objects, and in other cases you just need special scissors (for example, with a wooden handle), so before you get down to business, you need to gather information.
- The color of the fibers or fabrics should not be ignored, because each color carries certain information.
- Be sure to learn how to activate the amulet to make it work.
- You must create strictly in solitude, because such work requires full concentration, and conversations cannot distract you, and you must turn off phones and remove pets from the room.
- Experienced esotericists believe that such sacred things cannot be made to order, they must be made with a pure heart, with the desire for happiness and goodness.
- The best color for this type of amulet is red, it has the strongest energy and can protect its owner from dark energy.
The most powerful amulets can be prepared for each other by blood relatives who are connected not only by blood ties, but also by strong feelings.
Spells for children
Adolescent children do not have a protective field, so they are exposed to the influence of someone else's negative energy, it is very easy to disturb them. Savvy parents try to protect their child in any way possible, so the question of how to make a protective amulet for themselves is very important for them.
If the baby is in public places, he often becomes lethargic or irritable, whines, is constantly naughty. These are all signs of a developed evil eye. Also, the evil eye is not necessarily targeted. Sometimes even compliments and excessive praise for a child can lead to the burnout of the energy field.
It has been a long-standing custom: so that the evil eye does not spoil the baby, you have to hide it from someone else's eyes, cover it with a light blanket, or place a charmed baby in the bed.

Many young mothers think about how to make a talisman, but they forget that the most powerful amulet for a baby is a baptismal cross on the chest. The consecrated symbol protects against negativity and will have the most positive effect on the unformed energy field. It would be best if the cross was made of silver, because since ancient times this metal was considered the best for protection against dark forces.
Often used as a talisman, it is tied around the wrist with a red thread. There is only one condition - the thread must be pure wool.
For an older child, you can make a baby amulet with your own hands. This toy should always be taken with you, especially if the child goes to a public place.
But to get started, you need to know that you need to make an amulet, observing the following conditions:
- To make a talisman, you need to use pieces of fabric cut from your parents' clothes.
- Do not use sharp or cutting objects during work, the material must be torn by hand.
- You can not put the baby on the dining table during work.
- You can't draw or embroider facial features on the toy, it's better to tie a red ribbon on the head.

The simplest charm for a baby can be a play day. How to make such an amulet? It can be made of fabric, wood or cardboard, ribbons or shiny silk glued with yellow rays, or colored paper. You should hang the toy next to the crib.
Since ancient times, Slavic women have used embroideries made of red and yellow threads as talismans. Such decorations protected both the child and the husband, and beautifully embroidered towels in the front corner of the house protected the house and the family from the envy and anger of others.
If it is difficult to embroider or sew, then you can make a talisman from special herbs, endowed by nature with special protective functions. Rowan is one such plant, it is not for nothing that our ancestors planted this tree on the veranda to protect the house and the people living in it from dark forces and envious eyes.
Acorns, hawthorn berries and bay leaves are equally powerful. Several small canvas bags should be sewn and several dried lingonberries and the same number of bay leaves should be placed in them, these bags should be placed in each room of the house.
The strong talisman of the house is the horseshoe. It can be cut out of wood or cardboard, then tied and embroidered with beautiful patterns.

You can make a charm in the form of a broom and a brush, or from thin broom twigs. Such miniature brooms can be decorated with ornaments or bright elements and hung in the hallway to immediately sweep away all negativity and prevent a malicious person from throwing out his dark energy.
How to charge the amulet
In order for the magical assistants to start working, they must be charged with the power of the four natural elements. The first step in activating the amulet will be to cleanse it of the energy of the performer or others who may accidentally come into contact with the material.
Having made the amulet with your own hands, you need to call on all the elements that exist in nature:
- First, the amulet must be buried in the ground, forest soil is the most suitable. Leave the object in the ground for three days, mark this place with a stone or some other way. If this is not possible, you can use soil from a flower pot, but after cleaning, this soil must be thrown out of the house.
- After removing the talisman from the ground, it must be thoroughly rinsed in running water. At the same time, it is worth imagining that all bad things are removed from the object with clean water.
- Then comes the fire. You can use a wax candle. Over the flame of the candle, you need to move the amulet from left to right three times.
- The last turn of the wind. To do this, you can place the amulet on the windowsill near the open window. If you have the opportunity to go to nature, then use the power of the wind.
You need to know not only the amulet and know how to make it, but also how to charge it to become a real helper.

The second stage is recharging the amulet for work. This ritual is performed in the evening on the waxing moon. This ritual cannot be performed in a nervous, irritated state. You need to light candles, turn on calm, quiet music and firmly press the talisman in your right hand to your heart.
Now mentally turn to him and express all your desires, hopes, requests and dreams. You should end this call with words of thanks for future work.
Activating amulets is an essential condition for their effective service. He is the one who allows you to awaken the inner strength. In addition, talismans such as amulets or amulets can be brewed independently using simple natural forces.